Articles: |
1. RFE archive document. “A review of Jamming in Relation to RFE (before and after August 21, 1968)”. 11.15, 1968. DLW 2. RFE archive document. Hans Gemeinert, “Jamming Activity against RFE Polish programs”. 06.14, 1971. DLW 3. RFE archive document. Lynn M. Pease, “Jamming of RFE Broadcasts”. 06. 23, 1971. DLW 4. RFE archive document. Perry W. Esten, “Jamming against RFE Programs”. 07.06, 1971. DLW 5. RFE/RL archive document. [No title] W. Edwards. 07, 1976. DLW 6. RFE/RL archive document. “Jamming”. 09.30, 1980. DLW 7. RFE archive document. Deutsche Bundespost, Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt. Letter to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Direction finding maps: 1954/1955, 1957, 1965. 11.19, 1981. DLW 8. RFE/RL archive document. “Impact of Jamming on the Reception of RFE/RL Programs”. 01.29, 1982. DLW 9. RFE/RL archive document. Office of Research, United States Information agency. “Jamming of Western Radio Broadcasts to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe”. 1983. DLW 10. RFE archive document. “A History of Jamming”. 09.17,1965. DLW 11. RFE archive document. “Status of Jamming September 1965”. DLW
DLW - Courtesy: David L. Walcutt, RFE/RL
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